Agreement-in-Principle (Summary:Part IV)

Implementation & Transition

This part of the AIP is designed to ensure a smooth implementation and transition process for the amalgamation of the KRG, KSB, and NRBHSS, and the creation of the Nunavik Government. It confirms that the Nunavik Government will be established through a comprehensive Complementary Agreement of the JBNQA and legislation to be adopted by the Quebec National Assembly, and it sets out a time frame for the Parties to begin work on these matters.

Transition Committee

Part IV indicates that key implementation and transition initiatives leading to the creation of the Nunavik Government will be handled by a Transition Committee that will be established through legislation. This Transition Committee will be appointed by Quebec based on the recommendations of the Parties. The AIP makes it clear that this Transition Committee will work together with the managers and employees of the KRG, KSB, and NRBHSS when carrying out its mandate.

Implementation Plan

The transition process also calls for the development of an Implementation Plan. This document will provide a detailed description of the start-up, transition, and ongoing activities required to implement the Final Agreement, and to create the Nunavik Government. This plan will deal with matters such as training strategies, estimating start-up costs, transitional budgets, and the harmonization of working conditions.

Transition Directorate

Once the Nunavik Government comes into being, it will establish a Transition Directorate to take over the work of the Transition Committee. This directorate will be a temporary body composed of senior managers and employees of the Nunavik Government, and it will advise the Executive Council and Uqarvimarik on transition and implementation matters. Essentially, it will take over the work left over from the Transition Committee or that could only be finalized once the Nunavik Government is in operation.


Agreement-in-Principle (Overview)
Agreement-in-Principle (Summary:Part I)
Agreement-in-Principle (Summary:Part II)
Agreement-in-Principle (Summary:Part III)
Agreement-in-Principle (Summary:Part IV)
Agreement-in-Principle (Summary:Part V)

  • April 12, 2005
  • Webmaster

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