Ratification Process

A decision must be made by Nunavimmiut on the ratification process of the agreement in principle and the final agreement.  Do you wish to ratify both through a Nunavik wide referendum, or alternately, have the AIP ratified at the Makivik annual general meeting, and  to later ratify the final agreement through a Nunavik wide referendum at a future date once it has been finalized?

Ratification:  To ratify means to give formal approval to something, usually a negociated agreement to make the agreement useful and active.

  • February 7, 2005
  • Lisa Koperqualuk


I really think it is a good idea to create Nunavik government. I hope they can solve social problems around the Nunavik.

  • February 15, 2005
  • Ammack Annanack

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