Week 1 Contest Results

question_results_1.jpgThe first week of the contest got off to a great start with a number of enthusiastic visitors carefully reading the questions and looking for the right answers! We’re happy to say that 43 people entered the contest.

The first question was probably fairly easy, because most of the contestants got the right answer.

Again, here was Question 1: “When the Europeans first visited the region of Nunavik, they laid claim to Inuit lands. How did they inform the Inuit of their actions?”

The correct answer to this question is: (c) “The Europeans never informed the Inuit. When the Europeans  arrived they laid claim to Inuit land on behalf of the King of England without informing the Inuit. Later this territory became known as Rupert’s Land and was given to the Hudson’s Bay Company."

The second question however was much more difficult and required careful reading. Only 50 % of contestants got it correctly.

Question 2 was: “The Inuit continued to function as a self-governing society for a period of time even after the Europeans laid claim to their lands. When did this really change?”

The correct answer to  question 2  is: (b)  "After World War II the federal government made an effort to organize Inuit into communities. This began a process that progressively removed Inuit independence and their ability to function as a self-governing society."

A winner was randomly chosen in each of the three contest languages. Only contestants with the correct answers were eligible. The English entry winner this week is Noah A. Ningiuruvik, the French entry winner this week is Maina Mark and the Inuttitut entry winner is Malaiya J. Annanack.  We will be contacting you, the winners, by email so that we can make arrangements to send you your prize. All our contestants are encouraged to try again in the second week of the contest. Remember to read carefully and good luck!

  • February 15, 2006
  • Webmaster

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